A day in the life of working from home
5:15pm – WM’s alarm goes off. He takes Murphy with him to feed and let him out. They’ll come back upstairs around 5:45 to for WM to get ready. 6:20am: WM leaves for work and shuts the door to the…
Friday 5: On (a different) deck
Happy Friday, which is National Houseplant Appreciation Day (we do and we have the fungal gnats to prove it), and National Save the Eagles Day (I thought we did that already but you do you). It’s also the Friday marking…
Wordless Wednesday 2025: Week 2
Friday 5 on a Saturday: On Deck
Happy Saturday, which is also National Spaghetti Day (every day is spaghetti day in my book) and National Trivia Day (I approve!) and also it’s cold January day with a snowstorm possibly on the horizon for Monday. Back in the…