Maximillian is ours! The adoption app went through. I went to visit the boy yesterday and after peeing on every shred of grass, he seemed quite happy to see me. The staff at the Orphanage bathed and groomed him for…
My mind is all a-swirl with thoughts of the new, nameless dog
My mind is all a-swirl with thoughts of the new, nameless dog. He — we’ll call him Rufus for the time being — chose us. After perusing, David and I went to the Animal Orphange on Saturday. We had…
Our new addition
Our new addition: He’s at the Animal Orphange right now. We submitted the adoption application this morning. He’s about 2 years old and was classified as a stray. However, he was very good with us and with the other animals…
I love the nightlife
I love the nightlifeThe worries about non-blog-able things have ceased for now. I drove home with a bubbly feeling I hadn’t had in a while. This is the weekend! Or “Bon weekend” as we say here at Chez LadyGypsy. It’s…
Happy Friday!
Happy Friday! Geez. This time last week I was excited over heading to WDW. Today I’m happy because I’m switching hosting companies for BlueDomino continues to ignore my emails about my broken web stats. And now for $1 a…
Testify! (written in advance because I’m not dumb enough to do this much at work) (the church organ swells as Kim walks down the center aisle and stands at the pulpit) My brothers and sisters, I have sinned. (murmurs from…