Last week there was a note beneath my door: Dear Resident: PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT WESTERN PEST CONTROL WILL BE SERVICING THE APARTMENTS ON THE 8TH FLOOR ON THE FOLLOWING DATE: THURSDAY 5/3/07. “Joy,” I thought. I’d seen not one…
Say what…?
Because I slept half my day away…I’m awake way later than usual. I just watched “Say Anything…” via Comcast’s OnDemand service. The movie was free and I had never seen it before. I was super-psyched…I heard this was a cult…
Webkeeping 3
I deactivated Akismet and installed SpamKarma. Since SpamKarma was developed by a guy named Dave, I think it’ll serve our purposes well. If this thing eats your comments, please email me at ladygypsy (at sign here) gmail (the period, also…
Webkeeping – 2
Home sick today. I’ll spare you the gory details. I deactivated my spam plugin because it seems to have a problem with people named “Dave.” And that’s not good. Slightly humorous, but not good. Going back to lay on the…
I need to stop laughing at this.
Stephen Hawking is going to take a zero-gravity flight I am going to hell because I cannot stop laughing at the various scenarios playing in my mind. If he can’t move, what makes him different than one of the potato…
By the by, if you’ve tried to comment here and it vaporizes, drop me an email at ladygypsy (put that little at sign here) gmail (and then the period, or dot) com. The illustrious Dr. Dave has fallen victim to…