What a weird few days. Thursday night I went to a happy hour at the Blue Monkey Tavern in Merchantville. It was a lot of fun, plus I tried 2 new (to me) beers: Great Divide Yeti Imperial Stout —…
The lovely Design Seeds
I love doing things that include color, but I’m not always great at choosing color palettes. Via Pinterest, I found a site called Design Seeds that is going to be a very close friend of mine from here on out….
Marriage Pros and Cons
Oh hai! Did I mention lately that I’m retying the knot this year? Or tying the knot again? WM has wanted this for a LONG time and I’ve played the part of the gunshy partner. After I said yes, I…
Stupid Beading tricks – waiting for a yes
While I was waiting for TNP to give me the big “YES!” answer, I kept busy by making jewelry. For these, I felt like experimenting with hoops and drops instead of the usual “tight” earrings I come up with. And…
I got a new job. (Finally.)
This past Tuesday, I gave my notice at the Courier-Post after 8 years of awesomeness. (Note: I’m there for 12 years…do the math.) I accepted a position in the membership department of…TNP. That’s short for The New Place, because I’m…
Puzzling behavior
I grew up doing puzzles every summer. We’d keep a puzzle on the kitchen table and add to it as we passed back and forth. Then, my family being who we are, we’d keep a tally how many pieces each…