Today is day 15 of our “omg what is WRONG with us we need to turn this around NOW” life plan. I’m so stinking proud of us. The plan is as follows: Eat our own food. No takeout. (Wednesday dinner…
From the depths of the 2016 blizzard
Snow: 2 feet, with drifts over 4 feet. Watching: Fixer Upper, Master of None, WWE wrestling Reading: Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman Listening: The Hamilton Soundtrack Wearing: Layers Hair color: Garnier 50 – Medium Natural Brown Health: We…
Come to the Edge book review
Come to the Edge by Christina Haag My rating: 4 of 5 stars At 43, I am too young to care about the Kennedys. They are a relic of generations before me, and I have the privilege (?) of seeing…
Hello, it's me…
I was wondering if after all these years You’d like to meet, to go over everything When last she left you, your authoress was excited about posting every day in November. And life said, “yeah right…” Let’s rewind to November…
November – finding joy in my second least favorite month
Rabbit rabbit! If you don’t read Stress and Stars you should, because Katie has a beautiful way with words and a cute baby to boot. She’s started a project called “Find Joy in November” where every day, she wants to…
The Martian book review
The Martian by Andy Weir My rating: 4 of 5 stars This was in the house because it was WM’s school’s “one book one school” choice for last summer.Since the movie is out and doing well, I thought I’d grab…