Candidate Clinton’s husband was quite a character in the heyday of his career. I feel a little bad that my innocent brother gets caught in the crossfire of most of my throwback pics, but that’s what you get for parents…
Analysis Paralysis: Craft room color
As is my way, the craft room looks 100x worse now that I’ve started to “organize” it. The plan is to paint the walls yellow, move in some of the white cubby shelves that I’ve had since the original apartment,…
It’s the first day of spring and it’s freaking snowing outside. What in the everliving crap is this? Nails: I’ve gone two weeks without biting my nails, and that is enough for me to start polishing them again. This week…
Throwback Thursday: March 1995
Green dress, white and green nails, and in the epitome of 90s accessorizing … a shamrock choker. I was working full-time at JCPenneys, in the Juniors Department. I was talked to at least once a week about my hemlines being…
This week
Reading: Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow. I’ve had it on hold since November 30th. I have three weeks to finish it. Tick tock… Watching: Fuller House. I was initially doubtful, but it’s funny and sweet. For kids, it’s basically a…
Throwback Thursday: Disney forever
Again, the Disney thing isn’t all of my own doing. It just stuck with me harder than it stuck to my brother. This is 81 or 82, maybe. (I also now realize where my desire for a red sofa came…