Back in 2006, when I was a single lady with 2 cats and a cozy, girly apartment, I was given this lovely piece. (from this post) Long story short, the apartment was all white and I decided to get a…
Rabbit rabbit! I can’t believe it’s October already. I’m sure the pumpkin spice cabal is pleased. I’ve been wearing sweats all weekend, because I’m … Freezing!: It starts dropping into the 50s and it’s like my body gives up. Sniffling:…
Friday 5: Payday
Hooray hooray for Friday! This week’s Friday 5 theme is Payday, and it is payday for both Russells today so huzzah for bill paying! 1. From whom did you receive your first real paycheck? After a lot of cash-only jobs…
Murphy’s path of destruction, a photo post
Ollie spoiled us. He was a very, VERY good puppy. He was just good, with very little training necessary. He wasn’t destructive. He was a good sleeper. He was happy to just listen to us and play with his toys….
Eating: Martha Stewart’s Snickerdoodle Crumb Bars. I had the ingredients on-hand today so I figured what the heck. They are tasty, but I had to bake them 15 minutes more than the recipe indicated for the middle to bake completely….
Friday 5: I Don’t Get It Either
It’s the first day of Fall. Blah boo hiss weep. Not a lot to say today other than I worked from home for the first time in weeks and it was delightful. I usually work from home on Mondays but…