It’s the holiday season, mofos! More importantly there’s only about 3 weeks until the sunshine starts coming back into my life so cheers to that. This year we had Thanksgiving at my cousin S’s house and I was asked to…
Still too much effort
If your tutorial for an ‘effortless messy bun’ includes hairspray… You’re already putting too much effort into it.
Friday 5: Ice Is Forming on the Tips of My Wings
Happy Friday and DAMN I’m tired. I think I’m getting a cold because I feel fuzzy in the head. So we’re going to get right to the Friday 5, and I’m going to hie to my sofa and quilts. This…
Ollie and Murphy: a quiet moment
(and a sliver of WM in the background)
Show us your books: November 2018
Life is slipping through my fingers so quickly lately — like I’m trying to hold onto sand. I go to work, I go home, I’m doing things, but by the time I get to the point of the day that…
Posting to kimberussell blog page on Facebook
Hi! This is how I’m going to use the app. This blog is mine alone. I make no money off of it, but I’m lazy and want to use my plugin (xyzscripts) to post automatically to FB. 1) I log…