We are twenty-two days into January. Most (of my) resolutions die by now, so here’s an update on Where have I been? What do I want? Beauty: My nails are growing, but I had to trim them down (!) because…
Happy 2nd Birthday Murphy!
Two years ago today the skies grew dark over Hannibal, Missouri as this crazy knob entered the world. In two years he went from this: To this: Lin-Manuel Miranda said this about his dog Tobillo… 7 years ago we spent…
Friday 5: My Dreams They Aren’t as Empty as My Conscience Seems to Be
Happy Friday to all and happy completion of a full 5-day work week to me! It’s the little things. Here are the things that went RIGHT this week: I ate my planned lunch 4/5 times this week, just as I…
Snowflakes on Spring Garden
I hate winter, but I’ll miss these lights…
Show us your books: January 2019
Happy New Year, book readers! Last year I read 63 of 50 books. I should yitch that goal up a bit, but I don’t want to stretch all the way to 60 because then it’ll seem like an assignment or…
Currently, procrastination edition
Updating: Blog header, Blog Facebook Page image, colors, etc. Delaying: Yoga. I’ll give it to you straight, Yoga with Adriene is killing me with this year’s 30 Day program. It seems harder and longer (TWSS) than previous years. I skipped…