Another week in the book of Life. WM is still hobbled from the wicked fall he took at work, Ollie is still a Good Dog, and Murphy is still a Good Dog … in Training. I should be going outside and planting herbs and (more) grass seed before tomorrow’s scheduled rain but it’s so dreary and damp out.
Instead it’s on to the Friday 5!
WM: Wait…you said you did the Friday 5?
Me: Yes!
WM: On a Friday?
Me: Yes.
WM: The Friday 5. On a … Friday you say?
Me: …
WM: The devil, you say!
This week’s theme is Guestimation. Let’s get to it.
1. How well do you adjust to sleeping in an unfamiliar place?
Like a boss. I am a World Class Sleeper. I carry earplugs with me when I travel in case of weird noise, but all I need is some pillows and a heavy blanket and I’m gone.
Which…I’ve found lately that hotels are really lightening up with their bed-coverings. Now it’s usually just a sheet and a feather-light comforter. Or worse, a sheet, a slightly heavier sheet, and a quilted … strip? … that goes across the bed for decoration and offers no warmth. Bah.
2. When were you recently someone’s guest, and when were you recently someone’s host?
We had WM’s family over for Christmas 2 years ago and I’m hoping they can come back this year. Last year we were guests at a friend’s house in Seattle, and other than the grave mistake of sharing one suitcase with WM, it went very well.
3. What’s the ickiest place where you’ve ever showered or bathed?
If a place is icky, I won’t bathe there. I’m not a sweaty person, so if it means skipping a day (or two) of hygiene, I’m COMPLETELY fine with that.
4. What’s something you don’t need but insist on taking when you travel?
I carry eye drops everywhere, because once every 2 years or so, my eyes get really dry and red. I never, ever, want to be unprepared for that misery, so … eye drops.
5. Who’s got a comfy couch?
I have a comfy couch! It’s still the red couch I bought back in 2006. I’ve had to re-stuff the back pillows and the color’s quite faded, but it’s covered in quilts and every night the dogs and I hop on it for “sofa time!” I can sleep (and have slept) for days on that thing. It’s actually where I prefer to sleep if I’m really sick.
Happy Friday!
My friend once fell asleep at a Judas Priest concert. When we were eighteen. Today, I envy that talent for spontaneous, indiscriminate sleep.