Figured I’d start screenshotting this, since my continued writing of these terms are most likely skewing the search engines.

May 2007 brought 30,070 page views (+80.8% to last year) /15,900 visits (+56.6% to last year) to my little web abode. As always, I’m humbled and amazed by the numbers and you guys. Thank you very much for your continued visits. 🙂
If you have more time to kill, please visit the blogs I have in my right hand bar. They are where I pass the time during my free moments.
This weekend was quite lovely, as Wandering Minstrel and I puttered about and took in Collingswood’s “Second Saturday” festivities. It’s art-focused and there are painters and musicians along Haddon Avenue. We supped at the Pop Shop (they have great chocolate milkshakes) and enjoyed the summer weather. I was admiring one local painter’s work of the outside of the Pop Shop, but at $150 per print (not even the original painting but a print of it) it was out of my financial comfort zone.
burnt cookies…. lol… oh man, good stuff