I was walking back to my apartment yesterday after checking the mail downstairs (I forgot yesterday was Sunday.) when I noticed that someone was moving out. That person was leaving a bunch of possessions at the “trash room” door.
One of which was a 7-foot tall white bookcase with adjustable shelves.
Before I could think about it, I dragged that bad boy back to my lair. It was assembled hastily, and wasn’t perfectly squared. But it almost perfectly matched my existing set. I found some brackets in my Rubbermaid container* and proceeded to screw the large case to the smaller one next to it. That strengthened and straightened it. I adjusted the shelves so that they matched the cubicals’ heights and voila! My shelving unit is now complete!

All of that extra room will now allow me to display my Walt Disney Classics Collection Beauty & the Beast items. It’s still at the house. I’ve missed it.
*I have a plastic container with various nails, screws, picture hanging gizmos, and all of the extra hardware from this stuff I’ve been putting together all summer. I get great pleasure out of looking at that container and knowing that I can nail and screw anytime I want. Bwah!
Good on you for saving the landfill from useful waste.
Your place loosk great.