It is Memorial Day, it is rainy, and I am sick. At first I was bummed. Having a cold (which developed into a cough almost immediately) is a real inconvenience. But then I realized that the cough I had from last August to January disappeared without me taking notice. And by far, I’m much healthier than most. So I’ll put the complaining behind me.
I’m reading a book that is much more fascinating than you’d ever imagine by the title: Benjamin Franklin: An American Life by Walter Isaacson. I bought it at the Courier-Post book fair a few weeks back. Ol’ Ben is a HUGE character here in the Philadelphia metro area, so it’s nice to learn a bit more about him. Franklin lived until he was 84. The book is 493 pages long. He’s already 42 by page 127. That means that the real guts of his history (electricity, inventions, politicking, etc) happened after 40! I know I’m only 31, but in this society, where athletes and pop stars are considered grizzled by 30, it’s very heartening to read such things.
I couldn’t wait any more for the Dance Dance Revolution pad that I bought from eBay, so after I turned in the keys to the ol’ apartment (today’s our last day, and the event was anti-climactic at best) I headed to GameStop and bought one. So I’ll have two.
Which is ok, because MOM likes it. Honestly, how many of your Moms would even attempt a DDR type game? But she tried it tonight and we laughed our butts off. I guess after countless hours of “CandyLand” and “What Shall I Be?” Mom’s thrilled that I picked a game she can play with me and enjoy! Once the pad arrives, we’ll play head-to-head.
Game is hard! HARD! But hella fun. I love to dance, but I never go to dance clubs because, I don’t dance well. NOW, I can jam to these songs in my own living room! And lose weight while doing it. 30 minutes a day will either kill me or make me svelte.
By the way, my ‘reward’ for getting to 133 lbs will be a navel ring.
More about the house
Thor and I spent Saturday night moving stuff around again. I think our ‘formal’ room is almost done. A lovely woman I work with is going to give us her dark wood coffee table for free. (FREE!) That’ll complete the room.

We have one full bathroom and two half bathrooms. This ‘half’ is my favorite bathroom of all three. It’s right across the hall from the computer room and right next to the back door. This was the first room we finished.

Why? because all of the stuff came from our old bathroom. The dark blue accessories go well with the Jeezus-Christmas-that’s-plaid wallpaper. I think I had pants with that print when I was a kid in the 1970s. But as horrific it looks here in the computer room (which I may just start referring to as the ‘control center’), it looks fantastic in the bathroom. And let you think I forgot my devotion to Disney, the lid to the blue jar candle has a silvertone Mickey head atop it.

And…Max chews on a paper towel tube. Better that than what he was chewing on last night — my cardreader! Bad Dog!