What? My site was down you say? No, it wasn’t! It was a great week, highlighted by going to the daytime Phillies game on Thursday with my brother John, who never reads my blog. And today I spent as much…
Friday 5: Aroma
It was a bumpy readjustment coming back from Florida. On Monday, Dad and I ventured to Camp Holly for an airboat ride, which was JUST as amazing as it sounds! Camp Holly is pretty nice, with beer that flows, an…
Salad days
Believe it or not, I am still cooking chicken every Sunday for the week. And although fitness levels wax and wane, I credit these preplanned lunches for keeping me at about the same weight I was last year when I…
Friday 5: Food Me Once; Food Me Twice
Hello, refreshed blog! Let’s do a Friday 5! Remember those? I do! This week’s topic is “Food Me Once; Food Me Twice.” Speaking of which, I’m going back and cleaning up categories and tags. So far I have 55 posts…
My favorite healthy dessert
WM came up with this a few weeks ago, and it’s quickly become my go-to for noshing on in front of the TV. One apple, cut up into chunks 1/3 cup KIND Maple Quinoa Clusters with Chia Seeds Tablespoon of…
Friday Five: In Retrospect
Oof, this week was a tough one. We’re starting up our Summer Fridays schedule. We bank 7 extra hours over 2 weeks, and get every other Friday ofF. Sweeeet deal, but I’ve been starting an hour earlier each day to…
Lady and the Clam
I love spaghetti and clams. Always have. I love the pile of shells left afterwards. I love ’em in red sauce, white sauce, wine sauce, garlic sauce, any sauce. Okay, I LOVED spaghetti and clams. On Friday we went to…
I watched SuperSize Me last week, via Netflix. It was a great, great movie. I was completely horrified at the effects that McDonald’s food had on Morgan Spurlock. (Who is very cute in an intellectual way.) But I have to…
Nobody cares about this post
From my cell phone! Multimedia message For lunch today i had Wegmans Asian bar. Potstickers and shrimp purses. And i read this book for blog ideas. Darn. Blew it already.
Allez Cuisine!
From my Treo! Allez cuisine!! These soups are no fun without Chairman Kaga and a secret ingredient.
Jesus loves me!
From my Treo! Jesus loves me! (trembles with adoration) Can you believe this? Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Sauce!
Live from the Cheesecake Factory
From my Treo! Food porn. Chocolate peanut butter cookie dough cheesecake. Sickeningly good.