Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 31
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 30
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 25
Virgo SZN. Yay.
Yeah, I’m still here, slowly picking up the daily rhythm again of chores and routine and limping through the rest of what was not a great August. The squirrels are stealing the large tomatoes from my garden while they’re still…
What I’m listening to: Kellie’s Song
Kellie’s Song by Cas Haley has been on regular rotation on Radio Margaritaville since it was released earlier this year and it just makes me feel good. We aren’t sure how, but Murphy hurt his leg yesterday. He was hopping…
State of the Wardrobe
My wardrobe has two distinctly different styles: WORK (biz casual, blazers, fancy sweaters, dresses, jeans), or SLOB (fleece, elastic, hoods). Now that I’m working from home until at least January I’m trying to upgrade SLOB to include comfortable clothing that…
Two dozen dog toys
And Murphy goes wild over my empty yogurt containers. (yes I monitor it, yes I take it away when it starts to splinter, yes it’s washed, yes I’ve had dogs a long time and have this part down, yes you…
Ollie: please fence me in
Ollie, a very well-behaved dog from day 1, never needed a crate. We just had to make sure he was away from the litterboxes when we had them. Murphy was a crate puppy because that’s what he was used to…
Friday (Sunday?) 5: Korea Guidance
Firstly, check out this gloriousness: Embed from Getty Images Look at this! Getty Images lets you embed their work on your unprofitable blog now! Actually they started it in 2014 but it’s news to me! Our US Curling boys brought…
Currently: Crossword puzzling
I loooooove crossword puzzles. I suuuuuuuck at crossword puzzles. A few months ago, I plunked down $40 ($40!) for the New York Times crossword app for my phone. It’s a lot of dough, but that $40 ($40?!) gives me the…
CNN: The Canine News Network
Someone’s feeling better! Even though his blood sugar rate was still in the 500s on Saturday and his insulin dosage has been upped to 5 units twice a day, Max perseveres. Yes, I downloaded iMovie onto my phone. No, this…