I’ve become a loyal reader of the Design Mom blog, despite being neither design-y nor a Mom. And you know how I feel about Disney. So when I first saw this adorable Mickey Mouse hand wash featured as part of…
I hate you, weather.com
Dear weather.com, I checked you tonight to see about the newest stupid winter crapslush storm that’s headed our way and what do you do to me? THIS. Firstly, as all of the Disney snobs will say, it’s “Walt Disney World.”…
Shameless attention whoring (what's new?)
So I was browsing my usual list of blogs and found this internet meme on my buddy Brian’s site. (Well, it’s really a LiveJournal but I won’t judge, since I have a MySpace I barely look at.) It looked interesting…
WDW: Junk food
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Chocolate filled fudge covered oreo. Good for Bittersweet moments. Am joining weight watchers when i get back. 😉
WDW: Ears!
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Ears!
WDW: Expedition Everest
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Expedition everest! I’m in the single rider line. Edited to add: This ride was COOL!
WDW: Festival of the Lion King
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Animal kingdom. Festival of the lion king show. We’re in the Giraffe section.
WDW: Mickey waffle
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Head trauma mickey. And, for levity, a bendy straw. Weather cloudy and in the 60s. Best part is no annoying ringtones all day like at work!
WDW: Bed and Beer
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Since i’ve been up since 2:30am it’s going to be an early night. Bed and beer. Yay vacation!
WDW: Leave a legacy
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Yay for leave a legacy,;)
WDW: Back to the Magic
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Magic kingdom. Don’t know whether to laugh or cry so I’ll do a bit of both and call myself healthy. 🙂
I'm going to Disneyworld!!
Mom and I will be doing another crazy 4-day weekend there at the beginning of March. It’s been quite a while since I stepped foot in my favorite place in the world. Yes, I was at Disneyland in July, but…