I have created not one, but two popcorn-loving monsters. This is my view while carrying a bowl of freshly-popped popcorn to my desk. Ollie’s vision is not good, but his nose knows exactly where the bowl is. Because this is…
Covid-19 journal – October 2020
This isn’t a very fleshed out post, but I have to record that Donald Trump and a good number of influential Republicans have tested positive for Covid-19, just about a month out from the election. On one hand, it’s not…
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout
In the latest news from your favorite menopausal gamer, I bought Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout from the Steam store a little while ago and I’m hooked. Imagine Wipeout and Most Extreme Elimination Challenge as a videogame, played with 59 other…
September extras
Photos and thoughts from September that were a little thin for their own post. To my surprise and honor I was nominated to serve a term on the Board of Directors of an organization that I’ve been a member of…
Autumn Webkeeping
As my blog approaches its eighteenth birthday it’s time for some webkeeping. I created a weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to and receive links to my blog posts. It is sends on Fridays at noon Eastern time. If I…
This beat cha-ching like money
It should come as no surprise to ANYBODY who has known me for even the slightest bit that I love me some boy bands. Always have, always will. If you haven’t heard of BTS before, they are a K-Pop band…