Here are some photos and thoughts from April that were a little thin for their own posts. Nephew A turned 7 and is predictably into Minecraft. Look at this creation! It even lights up and the pick is removable. I…
Friday 5: The Winner is
Ahoy, it’s Friday! WM went back to work *at* school today. If he wasn’t vaccinated I’d be losing my mind. This is the longest amount of time we’ve been apart since March, 2020. Everyone knows that having school online is…
Angry Man Farm – Movin’ Outside
In March, I started some seeds for this year’s garden. Out of everything I planted, I emerged with: One sage plant One lavender plant Five moss roses that look barely viable Two cauliflower plants Five jalapeno peppers Five sweet pepper…
Murphy, April 2021
Earlier in the year the bottom panel completely fell out of our back screen door. The screen was already gone (thanks, Murph) but now the ‘dog door’ portion is large enough for Ollie to walk in and out of without…
Friday 5: RE:
Time for some lunchtime blogging! I worked for about 5 hours last Sunday, so this workweek officially is 6 days long yet feels 10 days long. This lunch break is an hour long but feels 5 minutes long. Rude. Here’s…
Yesterday Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all three charges in the murder of George Floyd. I and millions of others were relieved and almost celebratory. But a guilty conviction on a crime that had multiple eyewitnesses on the scene…