I’m usually not a huge fan of mashups, but this one with Elton John & Dua Lipa blows my mind. It’s part of “No Sacrifice” and part of “Rocketman.” The video is bizarre. Actually I’m pretty much into anything Dua…
Murphy is Five!
Today this noble knob known to all as Murphy Maximus Russell is 5 years old. He loves running, chewing, chicken nuggets and evening sofa snuggles. We love him and the noisy chaos he has brought to our ounce quiet home.
Friday 15: Agita
The number one reason I don’t do things when I’m supposed to is because I’m overwhelmed. This doesn’t serve me well at the job that pays me, so there I’ve managed to learn to break down large projects into smaller…
Friday 5: Everything but Yul Brynner
Hullo! I’m still here! Just been a bit quiet lately because we’ve been honkin’ busy getting things settled around here. MIL packed quite a bit of stuff and we’ve been scrambling trying to get everything in a place. Which means…
Friday 5 on Saturday: “Month” is a strange word
So yeah yeah it’s Saturday not Friday but on Thursday this happened: Last night I was burning up with a fever. So much so that I sick-bought a watercolor palette from a TikTok video and wasn’t very aware of it…
Show us your books, November 2021
Book roundup time! Another 2-book month but by the next books roundup, my exam will be behind me! Hooray! And then it’ll be silly holiday books for the rest of the year. I sure miss pleasure reading. The Night the…