The stomach bug slammed into me at around 4pm yesterday. One of the cooler things about being a seasoned adult is the self-awareness that comes with years of experience. I started to feel badly at 4 and immediately put my…
Angry Man Farm 2022 – IT BEGINS
In case you happen to be new to this old blog, Angry Man Farm is simply our garden. Many years ago WM and I noticed that farms have such lovely, bucolic names like Lone Pine Farm or Running Horse Farm….
The gratitude cycle
A few weeks years ago we noticed that our dryer stopped efficiently drying clothes. Regular loads would take two cycles to dry, but we dealt with it, because after 8 or 9 years in the apartment with a communal downstairs…
Friday 5: A rose in a fisted glove
Happy Friday! I told my coworkers today (via Teams, we’re still working from home until further notice) that this week seemed like it was six weeks long and I think I accomplished maybe 10% of what I needed to. In…
February 2022
Here are some things we did in February that didn’t warrant their own post because I wasn’t posting much in February! Mom had a birthday and I bought her a ticket to go see Beautiful: The Carole King Musical at…
Friday 5: They
Hanging onto blogging (and sanity) by my very fingertips, here I am again! This week’s Friday 5 theme is They. They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. How have you proven them right or wrong?I suppose as…