I have an Apple Watch and while I used to really, REALLY be into it, I’m not feeling it anymore. First, I’ve become disenchanted with the Apple Fitness app. The app rewards streaks: perfect week, perfect month, etc. I am…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 4
January DC trip!
WM and I had a difficult time figuring out what to give each other for Christmas. We decided that we’d go the experience route instead and take a long weekend in Washington DC. Our goal was a balance of visiting…
Friday 5: Now I lay me down
Hello and happy Friday and happy penguin awareness day. I’m off today, therefore we have a very on-time blog post. Had my mammogram on Tuesday and … yeah … I’m going to need a follow-up mammogram and ultrasound. Huzzah. We’ll…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 Wk3
A long weekend with a longer one to come
This is what a three-day weekend looks like when you’re a middle-aged adult: This will be a short yet hectic workweek because I have a half-day tomorrow (aforementioned mammogram with ultrasound if necessary and I swear to Pete if I…