I still check in on the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 dashboard from time to time (but not at the twice-daily frequency I used to) and when I went to do that yesterday, I saw this message: JHU has stopped collecting data…
Friday 5: Looking like a snack
Happy Friday, friends! I took today off of work to basically kick around and do nothing. It’s delightful. Here’s the Friday 5! This week’s theme is Looking like a snack. Right up my alley.
Wordless Wednesday 2023 wk 10
February Goals – how did I do?
On New Year’s Eve I decided not to make resolutions, but instead to make some personal goals for the year. Nothing unattainable, just some goals that I can take smaller concrete steps toward each month. Here are my goals for…
Read: Bridgerton Series #1 and #2
Dearest Readers, Like many, I watched the Bridgerton program on Netflix. I adored Season 1 (Daphne/Simon) but did not finish Season 2 (Anthony/Kate) because the slow burn was too slow. For the last few years reading has been difficult for…