April Goals – how did I do?
Rabbit rabbit! Another month gone by, another opportunity for navel-gazing self-evaluation. Here were my goals for April. As always, the mental health ones are redacted. TL;DR – not the best month. There were a few things that happened toward the…
Friday 5: You come back to the North Shore
Happy Friday, which is also National Hairball Awareness Day, National Blueberry Pie Day, and Arbor Day! For some nonbloggable reasons, these last 2 weeks have been A LOT and I’m hoping to take this rainy weekend as a sign to…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 Wk 17
I’m taking a watercolor class and I’m terrible at it!
As part of the subsection of 2023 goals that informally includes “get your ass out of the house” I decided to take a watercolor class through my town’s recreation program. It’s a six-week class that meets for two hours on…
The care and feeding of a fifty year old face
I am not a skin care expert. I am a normal person with a tendency toward laziness who was also gifted with very good genes. My primary concerns are pimples, rosacea, and dryness. Here is my fifty year old face’s…