It’s all a mess. Such a mess. I planted my cold-weather greens (spinach, lettuce, beets) when I normally do, but the weather here in Southern New Jersey warmed up much faster than I thought it would, and I think the…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 WK 21
I could have fixed Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser
Hi. I’m Kim. I’m an adult who likes Disney, but not a Disney Adult, which is why we never even entertained the thought of spending $5,000 on two meager nights in Disney’s Star Wars themed hotel with 100 windowless rooms….
Friday 5: Circumstance and Pomp
Happy Friday, which is also National Pizza Party Day, National May Ray Day, and Malcolm X Day. AND the first day of TEN days off of work. I’m not going anywhere special. I have a few plans but who knows…
Wordless Wednesday 2023 Wk 20
German Chocolate Cake
Did you know that German Chocolate Cake isn’t actually German? It was created here in the US, but the chocolate used for it was a sweet baking chocolate created for the Baker’s chocolate company by a man named Samuel German….