Happy Birthday PopPop!!!Your card’s honestly, truly in the mail! So yesterday I went home from work, slept for two hours, went out to eat (Olive Garden) had a glass of WINE with dinner, went home, went to bed. An evening…
March 6, 2003
I’d like to thank the Academy….Yesssssssss! Yar! W00t! I AM the shiznit…I r0x0r! Check it out! For the first time since, oh, let’s say 1997, I see the 130s on the scale!! Go Kimmy! Go Kimmy! Go! Go! Go Kimmy!…
You gonna wipe that off?
“You gonna wipe that off?” David asked before we went to the YMCA tonight. I giggled. “No…we keep it on all day,” I replied. He was referring to the smudge of ashes upon my forehead. (It’s Ash Wednesday, and I’m…
March 3, 2003 – evening
Ugh. My throat’s scratchy. I noticed it as I was driving home from work. 🙁 Now there’s nothing I can do but wait for it to just settle in. I did hit the gym this afternoon and had a great…
March 3, 2003
You know you’ve eaten too much when the waist of your pantyhose hurts. 🙁 Weekend was good. Saturday afternoon I went to Nicole’s birthday, which was my first-ever bday party with a clown. Her name was PomPom. Wings squeaked by…
March 1, 2003 – afternoon
Damn right I object! New checks planned for air travelers