And…for the very first time on my blog — the Friday Five! 1. What was the last TV show you watched? Geez…they had to start with this one. I don’t watch much television, but we did have the Devils game…
April 25, 2003
Yay! “A Mighty Wind” was a very funny movie. Sentimental too…I didn’t expect that. Now I want to rent “Waiting for Guffman” and “Best in Show.” Double Yay!!! IT seems there are now little microwavable bowls of Quaker oatmeal for…
Thought I forgot aboutcha, didn’t you?
Thought I forgot aboutcha, didn’t you? 😉 Lesson learned: Going without chocolate for 40 days, and then going hog-wild is NOT good for the tummy. Today’s the first non-queasy day I’ve had since before Easter. Huh? I’m teething. Seriously. Wisdom…
Will get weighed Friday
Wt: will get weighed FridayMood: Queasy. My tummy’s not happy with something I ate. Probably too much Easter candy? I’m NOT pregnant.Work: Static, I tabled the recipe search so I could tweak the comic survey — I’ll get that done…
April 21, 2003
Wt: Are you kidding? I just got finished with a no-chocolate Lenten fast, and you want me to weigh? Silly Reader.Mood: Happily dozy.Work: Hot Jobs (waiting for last one now), did Ingle column, and will finish Updated Recipe search. 🙂…
Yes, Virginia, you CAN still eat Velveeta and be healthy!
Wt: 137.2 Lowest yet! 🙂 Proof that yes, Virginia, you CAN still eat Velveeta and be healthy!Mood: COLD! It’s in the 40s today. I wore shorts and a tanktop yesterday at home. Today I’m in a black ribbed sweater, skirt,…