In softness, there is strength — Anne, my yoga teacher It’s FRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDAY! Well, not really, but I have off tomorrow, so TECHnically it’s Friday for me. A lot of people are out of the office today, so I decided to…
David’s been working the past 11 nights straight.
David’s been working the past 11 nights straight. Besides the less than 2 hours we had with Financial Advisor # 33 on Monday, I don’t think I’ve seen him awake in almost a week. Well, I’ll see him tonight when…
July 1, 2003
I went to Tai Chi tonight! Mom and I were the only two in the class, which was pretty mortifying at first. However, I adjusted quickly. It’s harder than it looks. Our teacher said it’s actually a very slowed-down form…
Lowest weight ever
ooo! ooo! ooo! Lowest weight ever!!! 136, baby!!! 1 – 3 – 6 ! That puts me ONE pound away from original goal of 135 and SIX away from the ‘stretch’ goal of 130 and gives me a total of…
Overall, a very good weekend!
Overall, a very good weekend! I ate good food, but responsibly. I may be getting the hang of it. HUGE breakfast? Smallish lunch and dinner. Salad for lunch? Splurge on Doritos later. Ocean City: Divine…my swimsuit’s even a little…
yawn, stretch
*yawn, stretch* Heading to Ocean City at 8:30ish or whenever Mom gets here. We’ll be trying to breakfast at the Culinary Garden. Last night Dierdre the Pain hit level 71, which means I played her WAY too much yesterday. Wt:…