I’m wearing a pair of plain white (and very unstylish, I read) Keds as part of my casual Friday outfit. And they hurt! I never thought that Keds would hurt. So I guess I’ll be padding around in socks until…
Fact: I left my Learning Perl book at home today, so I guess I’ll ignore the frozen meal I brought and go out for lunch.Fact: I also left my wallet at home (in yoga bag), so I guess I’m staying…
dream deferred
What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry upLike a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore–And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat?Or crust and sugar over–like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sagslike a…
Today I saw something that made me smile
Today I saw something that made me smile…a little car with a hyperactive turn signal. It blinked 4 times as fast as mine. (We were at a looooong red light so I could actually count how fast it blinked) I…
Yesterday’s plan didn’t quite pan out.
Yesterday’s plan didn’t quite pan out. I ip-skayed the gym. Oh well. At least I remembered my access card and got into work at 5:30 on the dot. Wt: Didn’t weigh today. I know in a few days I’ll level…
July 7, 2003
Back to the grind… Picture a young woman at dawn, fresh from the holiday weekend, striding confidently through a dewy parking lot toward her place of employ. Picture the feeling of doom when she realizes that her access card is…