About 9:00 this morning I walk to the ladies’ room and get the sinking feeling that something’s not right. My stockings are slooooooowly sliding down my thighs. Crap. I yank them back up, but on the walk back to my…
September 30, 2003
Only 2 days left to sponsor our Heart Walk effort. BBC NEWS | Europe | Gypsy king’s daughter is sad child bride — stuff likes this seriously makes me sad to be ladygypsy…even if I’m not really “Roma.” 🙁 Yesterday…
Septebmer 29, 2003
C’mon…have a heart… We have a winner! (or Roulette 101) Written, naturally, last nightFriday night we decided to ip-skay the hockey game and go to Atlantic City instead! I haven’t been there in ever so long. We left right after…
September 26, 2003
Thank you Pop-Pop and Mom!! Only $25 away from our Heart Walk goal. C’mon…put yer money where yer mouth is…$5.00, $10.00, it’s all good! I did have the rousing walk w/Max yesterday, but skipped the YMCA. David’s home sick. It’s…
September 25, 2003
Hey…have you had a chance to donate to our Heart Walk effort yet? Most of yoga class last night consisted of the class lying prone over gigantic balls. Have I mentioned how I enjoy yoga? I’m slowly warming up to…
Yay! My Dave Matthews CD is here…yum!