Misty update: Misty doesn’t have a cold…she is suffering from a scratch to the eye. Well, not the eye, but the conjunctiva, which I have learned is the tissue surrounding your eye. Mine is pink. Misty’s is slimy grayish, I…
October 10, 2003 – morning
Wow. I didn’t blog yesterday. Pity I didn’t, since yesterday I: Lost 15 lbs Woke up looking like Catherine Zeta-Jones Wrote a novel …and trained Max to clean the litterboxes! But, friends, that was yesterday, this is today, and it…
October 8, 2003 – morning
We got engaged at the Liberty Bell pavilion at 10:00ish pm on a balmy September evening back in 1995. I’ll be very sad to see it be moved and the pavilion razed. But such is progress. I wonder if I…
October 7, 2003 – afternoon
Afternoon update: I expressed my concerns about the ill-worded email to my boss. I don’t want to file a formal complaint. I don’t want to start trouble. But if I didn’t say what I thought.–nay, what I believed — then…
October 7, 2003 – morning
A momentous morning…I threw out my very-worn Minnie Mouse makeup case and replaced it with a chic black one with a pink lowercase “k” on it. What a very grown-up thing to do! Another grown-up thing: I’m considering registering a…
October 6, 2003 – evening
I don’t talk about him much…because he’s kind of shy and doesn’t want to be all over my site. But I have to tell you…my husband’s a real winner. I came home to a cleaned up living room, kitchen, and…