Thankful Happy Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for? Here’s my (not so short) list… I am thankful to have a loving husband who tolerates (and maybe appreciates?) my eccentricities, and my loving family for giving me those eccentricities. I am…
November 26, 2003
Hey, Kim, shouldn’t you be at yoga? Why yes, dear Reader, I should. But tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, and I have a dinner to get ready for. Mom does Christmas day. Sue does Christmas Eve. But Thanksgiving is MINE. Granted,…
November 25, 2003
Here I am, back at work. Wheeee! I have people from Trend/MLS in PA on my back about an agreement with our site that *I* wasn’t even a part of, but apparently I’m now responsible for. *chuckle* I’ll also have…
November 24, 2003
I live! — see proof at rightWhere the hell was I? Friday was busy — no time to blog. Saturday I went to see Urinetown: the Musical with Mom. It was the first anniversary of Mom-Mom’s death, and the 6-month…
November 20, 2003
Sheesh, two sad paragraphs in the middle of a blog entry and all of a sudden I’m Sylvia Plath? Don’t think so. Life is better today. I’m fine. Really! Opportunities are swirling about at work. Unfortunately, I can’t say any…
November 19, 2003
Dave Matthews Band, I’m such a fool for you. Yesterday I purchased the 3-CD “Central Park Concert” set from Sam Goody. (Only $13.99, which blew me away. I was expecting at least $20.00. Could this be the RIAA trying to…