Wilbur never forgot Charlotte. Although he loved her children and grandchildren dearly, none of the new spiders quite took her place in his heart. She was in a class by herself. It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.
what in the world is going on?
in which Kim muses about the weekend’s events
Public appearance!
I’ll be making a public appearance tomorrow morning at South Jersey’s Biggest Yard Sale at Campbell’s field parking lot in Camden tomorrow morning. Tomorrow morning from 5am – 8:30am, that is. If you’ve reserved a table, you’ll see my smiling…
loving the Martha Stewart Kool-aid
Did you know Martha Stewart did time in PRISON??
“Do you realize that if I didn’t eat them, bugs would get so numerous, they’d destroy the Earth? Spiders are really VERY useful creatures. ” – Charlotte
1990 flashback!
the top 100 songs the year I graduated High School.