(apologies to feedreader people…having WordPress issues for the first time EVER tonight.) Well gee whiz that election post was …fun … wasn’t it? Let’s get back to more…um…stupid things to talk about. NaNoWriMo update! My NaNoWriMo setup I cranked out…
Election Night
So…now that the Dems have performed well, I’m interested to see if the media will abandon the “Voter Irregularities” stories that they beat to death when the Republicans do well. I think they will, but I hope I’m wrong. I…
Vote! Vote! Vote!
Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! See that little pic? (taken last year) That’s what voting is about. Little hand-written signs taped to school doors. Old folks manning the voter rolls. Maybe a bake sale outside. Voting is the most grass-roots thing…
Dowd dowd bo bowd banana fana fo fowd
…fee fi mo mowd..Dowd! Round 2 at Motor Vehicle Commision didn’t go well. I had the marriage and divorce certs, but I also needed to show a change of address. (Uh…I moved in July..did this all in August!)The official MVC…
Can't post…writing…
I have a plot. I have protagonists. I have a setting, 2 corpses, and even some motive! Now I just need to find coffee pods for my new good friend and I’ll be golden. Edited to add: I sketched out…
Kimmy kimmy bo-bimmy banana fana fo fimmy
…fee fi mo mimmy…Kimmy! So I played the name game at the MVC this afternoon. My mission was to get my name changed on my Driver’s License and registration. I had a folder full of identification. I was confident I…