From my cell phone! Multimedia message Head trauma mickey. And, for levity, a bendy straw. Weather cloudy and in the 60s. Best part is no annoying ringtones all day like at work!
WDW: Bed and Beer
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Since i’ve been up since 2:30am it’s going to be an early night. Bed and beer. Yay vacation!
WDW: Leave a legacy
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Yay for leave a legacy,;)
WDW: Back to the Magic
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Magic kingdom. Don’t know whether to laugh or cry so I’ll do a bit of both and call myself healthy. 🙂
Will you go to work already?
From my cell phone! Multimedia message Four days and he’s tired of me already.
Elevator, morning
“Don’t cut your hair.” “Hm?” I look over at the older gentleman who’s sharing the elevator with me. He’s finely dressed, with a trenchcoat, hat, and suit underneath. “Don’t cut your hair. You’re a big-haired girl. Let it get big.”…