Sheesh. Work is not just grinding me up these days, it’s rolling me into dozens of tiny meatballs. There’s a BIG HUGE TRAINING going on for the BIG NEW THING that we’re doing. And that’s grand. Except I’m drowning in…
Working toward financial peace
Do you know what happens when you initially order the Comcast Triple Play? Your 2 years go by, then the price goes up. They’ll offer you some premium channels for free to keep you on at the higher price. Then…
2011 calendar roundup
I feel most miserly in the early parts of January, when I buy my calendars* for half price. But I’m a happy miser because I LOVE the calendar ritual. Want proof? See my 2010 and 2009 posts. After two years…
It’s what I call those winter storms where you have a layer of ice on top of a layer of slush on the ground. It’s that type of winter storm that forces you to crack open your car before going…
I hate you,
Dear, I checked you tonight to see about the newest stupid winter crapslush storm that’s headed our way and what do you do to me? THIS. Firstly, as all of the Disney snobs will say, it’s “Walt Disney World.”…
Dreams: Making that bucket list happen
Tell me what a weird dream this is: The world will be ending in a few days — predictably & disastrously. I think it was an upcoming natural disaster. I end up in Miami with a bunch of other people….