Here are drafts of posts I wrote about the Connecticut shooting, but will never see the light of day because I don’t need my knee-jerk anger preserved by Google forever: The titles say it all. But let’s just leave it…
Wordless Wednesday: The Christmas Village Drunk
As longtime readers have noticed, my hair changes a lot. I blame a childhood of peeling latex gloves off of the Nice’n’Easy inserts for my Mom. Lately, all I want to do is dye it very blond and cut it…
Mariah can still sing
Putting aside the butterflies, Glitter and #dembabies weirdness, Mariah Carey still has a good set of pipes on her. She missed a note or two, and the range has changed a bit, but it’s nice to hear her unprocessed. (and…
Ten years I've been here rusting…
I knew that when I started the vanity hostess page years ago that someday I’d get great amusement from it. December, 2002 December, 2012 The obvious conclusion is that I should have had the blurry crap camera when I was…
I prefer the word "eccentric" thank you very much.
You know those powerball jackpots that come up every once a year and get us all dreaming? I have many of the same items on the “what would I do” list as most people. And then there’s this one. There’s…