Remember the halcyon days of April when I was all “YEAH! I’M GONNA DO THIS LINKUP THING!” and then two weeks later we got a puppy and in June THINGS happened and I didn’t have time to read? Yeah, me…
Salad days
Believe it or not, I am still cooking chicken every Sunday for the week. And although fitness levels wax and wane, I credit these preplanned lunches for keeping me at about the same weight I was last year when I…
Friday 5: In your head! In your head!
Happy Friday. Today was one of my Summer Fridays off from work AND it was sunny AND THINGS are mildly under control so for the first time this summer, I went to the beach. A few years ago I went…
TBT: Miami Mice
My 14th birthday, in 1986. Before you pity me for attending middle school with my JCPenney perm (and what looks to be a butterfly clip on the left side), realize that I am wearing a shirt with a print of…
Currently, mid-week edition
A rare mid-week day off, to take care of THINGS. “After THINGS, I’m going to lie out in the yard and get some sun,” I said. “For it has been EVER so long since I’ve had a chance to soak…
Friday 5: Off balance
Happy Friday! Resolved: To start treating my body better, even when — no, ESPECIALLY WHEN — I’m under stress. I eat like crap and then I fall asleep early and wake up feeling like I never slept. I need better…