The older I get, the more Jersey pride I have. Maybe I’m trying to compensate for our size, our reputation, or our Governor. (Whom I voted for. Twice. Yeah.) In any case, I love my little Garden State. I even…
Adventures in hair color: Garnier Light Nude Brown
It to ANYONE that I dye my hair. People at work don’t even blink anymore when I swing from reddish to brownish to blondish. This is my dream hair at the moment. It’s a simple textured bob with some brown…
Lazy style: Dressing for upcoming weddings.
Confession: Every outfit that looks great on me is one that I shamelessly grifted from a mannequin. If a fashion-savvy person puts , I will believe them 100%. As a result*, when Facebook showed me an eShakti ad for this…
Friday 5: Straight no chaser
Happy June! Happy almost-summer! Sweet, sweet summer, my favorite time of year. Sunshine, corn, beer, and peaches for months. Bring it. (huffs Noxzema) We’re going to go to the NJ Renaissance Fair this weekend. Today looks like misery out, so…
Las Vegas trip
This year Spring Business Trip took me to Las Vegas to exhibit at the AAPA meeting. And since Mom is now a retired lady with some free time on her hands, she came along for the ride! It was a…
Memorial Day weekend wrap-up
Happy Memorial Day, which is a day we set aside to honor those lost in military service to our country but instead everyone posts pictures of their living veteran relatives or their dead relatives who were veterans. It makes my…