It’s 17 degrees out, which is actually warmer than it’s been. We went to MOD Pizza for lunch, marking the first time I left the house in days. Leave it to food to draw me out of my cocoon of…
Frozen Friday 5: Better cliches
It’s cold here. This is highly unacceptable and I am wearing a hat in my own living room. My rings are spinning around my shriveled fingers. The only reason my feet aren’t in misery is because they are underneath 3…
Lynda, the Library, and me
The Big!Work!Project! which surely you are tired of hearing of by now involved new software, and a new-to-us way of writing reports. It’s Crystal Reports, which while it’s new-to-us, isn’t very new-to-me. I was using it over 10 years ago…
Welcome 2018, you beautiful tropical fish!
Happy New Year! I don’t want to jinx it, but I think 2018’s going to be a good one. Or at least better than [period of time that started in November, 2015], which is not a high hurdle to clear….
Farewell 2017, ya filthy animal
I very, VERY easily could rip into this absolute dumpster-fire of a year. Not only a year, but a “season” that started in November of 2015 and has kept on giving. But no, no. Good things happened this year, and…
Happy birthday, blog!
Today my blog is 15 years old! This time last year I was ready to quit it but thanks to the generosity of a friend, I found a better place to move it to. I also gave it a more…