Oh, walk 10,000 steps a day! No big! Yeah, except if you have an office job. Holy moly. See, my health/fitness/weight journey follows a sine-wave pattern. Right now, I’m in the sedentary, potato-chip-filled gully. I’m trying to turn that around….
Little Women: PBS Masterpiece version
I first read Little Women in 4th grade. I read it every year for a long time, and I love it to bits and pieces. It’s the OG YA book. Have you read it? It’s available for free via Project…
Friday 5: Break of Day
Oh happy happy day! It’s Memorial Day weekend. This means two amazing things: 1) Eleven Memorial Day weekends ago, WM took a 12 hour ride from Michigan with a jeep full of stuff to move int with me at the…
Murphy: A yawn in four stages
It’s hard work being hard work.
Succulent birdbath garden
Back in April as I was chasing Murphy around the yard I tripped over something that turned out to be a birdbath buried underneath the ivy that covers the back third of our backyard. After some Pinterest researching, here’s what…
Duchess of Sussex
Countess of Dumbarton and Baroness Kilkeel. And our American girl, Meghan. Embed from Getty Images Get it, girl.