Despite being plagued by allergies, a sore neck, Murphy, ear infections, and a bout of digestive issues*, Ollie is still a happy, drooly goofball. *caused by me trying to switch his food. I went so, so, so very slowly and…
The AARP strikes again.
Eleven years ago when I was still in my 30s, I received an AARP card in the mail . Thursday I received a “thank you for joining” email to the account I use for retail receipts. And then yesterday, this……
Friday 5: Opposite Day
What? My site was down you say? No, it wasn’t! It was a great week, highlighted by going to the daytime Phillies game on Thursday with my brother John, who never reads my blog. And today I spent as much…
Ollie and Murphy: Brothers and very best friends
Previously, the dog-cat version.
Show us your books: June 2018
If you’re a library patron, then you are surely familiar with the panic that occurs when you have physical books checked out, purchased ebooks waiting to be read, and THEN your holds that have been languishing for MONTHS start becoming…
Currently, rainy edition
Listening to the continuing rain. It started Saturday afternoon, but I did manage to get some time in at my personal “swim club.” The handiwork at the top right is WM’s effort to keep Murphy and Jack (the boxer living…