It’s been a while. I know. I’m popping in here tonight to give an update on what’s been going on as well as to try WordPress 5.0, which changed up its whole writing experience with an editor called Gutenberg. I…
My dogs and this pillow
I bought the pillow to help decorate my spartan little apartment the year of my divorce. At the time you never could have convinced me all of the love that would eventually surround it. 2007 2016 2018
Thanksgiving wrapup
It’s the holiday season, mofos! More importantly there’s only about 3 weeks until the sunshine starts coming back into my life so cheers to that. This year we had Thanksgiving at my cousin S’s house and I was asked to…
Still too much effort
If your tutorial for an ‘effortless messy bun’ includes hairspray… You’re already putting too much effort into it.
Friday 5: Ice Is Forming on the Tips of My Wings
Happy Friday and DAMN I’m tired. I think I’m getting a cold because I feel fuzzy in the head. So we’re going to get right to the Friday 5, and I’m going to hie to my sofa and quilts. This…
Ollie and Murphy: a quiet moment
(and a sliver of WM in the background)