Happy, uh, Sunday! Which is also Social Media Day, and National Meteor Watch Day. It’s also two days post the regular Friday 5, but I have a great excuse. Friday night I had dinner in Philadelphia with two very lovely Internet friends and, sorry, doing fun things will always beat writing about fun things. We ate at The Dandelion and I discovered I enjoy Welsh Rarebit, oysters, one type of gin, and Banoffee. I still don’t enjoy pate, but that’s alright. I’ll try again in another 20 years.

The evening out plus my current staycation status (I don’t log back into work until July 8, except for the 15 minutes I’ll log in tomorrow to pay a bill.) have tossed America’s 9,999th-favorite blogger* into disarray.
And the thunderstorms today dashed my plan to visit the Hammonton Red, White, and Blueberry festival. I’ve never seen a pie-eating contest in person, and I think it’s the summer to rectify that.
Instead of mourning the last day of my favorite month, we’re pressing on.
Here’s the Friday 5! The theme is Brush your teeth with Lifebuoy soap and watch the suds go by. Let’s get to it!
- What’s in your wallet?
Driver’s License and AAA card, Target debit card, bank debit card, a library card, some gift cards, and a credit card. What kind of credit card? Capital One, which is where this slogan is from. Capital One has always done well by me. - Where’s the beef?
In the freezer. WM bought some flank steaks to grill up later this week. (This line is from a Wendy’s ad campaign in the 1980s.) - What’s the best part of waking up?
Not being dead yet. But I love waking up listening to the birdsong outside for a little bit before shuffling out of bed. (The Folger’s ad would say the best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup!) - What keeps going and going and going?
The US political discourse and I’m about to add to it. If you’re voting strictly on Gaza, Trump is going to do the same thing that Biden is doing. If you’re voting on age and stamina, they’re only 3 years apart, which makes them BOTH too old in my book, and both have rough days. If you’re voting based on them loving their corrupt adult children, both of them have failsons. So we have Gaza, age/stamina, and terrible adult children cancelling each other out here. But if Trump wins he’s going to name more conservative activist judges to the benches at all levels, and while he’s at it, he’s going to make things worse for women of reproductive age, American POCs of all ages, and the working poor.
Me? Unless Trump starts a war (always possible) I’ll be fine. I’m a middle-class white woman with a broken reproductive system that’s powering down. I’m voting for the futures of others. To make this a better place for everyone ELSE too. To that end, my only choice is Biden. My dream is to have presidential candidates in 2028 who are under 60 years old and without children at all. I’m tired of old men with embarrassing progeny.
(This slogan is for Energizer batteries.) - In what way have you come a long way, baby?
This week was our 9th Housi-versary and little by little we’re fixing it and adding our own touches. (Virginia Slims cigarettes.)
Tomorrow I have an appointment to get my sore shoulder looked at. It’s been about 6 weeks since it hasn’t been right and while it’s not getting worse, it’s not getting better.
It’s raining heavily outside again, and I’ll really miss June. It’s the best month.
* a rough estimate.
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