Hello and happy Friday! It is also National No Bra Day (I celebrate that most days) and National Yorkshire Pudding Day.
It’s also the day that Murphy somehow broke/loosened his front tooth. I think he chased a critter across the yard and smacked into the fence because when he came back in from being outside, he was licking his lips. I hesitantly lifted his lip to look and his front tooth was crooked, pushed forward, and loose with a fair amount of blood. I took him to the vet to find out that because he has a heart murmur he needs chest X-rays and an echocardiogram before they remove his wiggly tooth. (Dog dental care is done with general anesthesia.)

He had the X-rays this morning and his heart is on the large side, but still within normal range. Good news. The echocardiogram is in early November, and if he’s given the go-ahead, his removal will be the 2nd week of November. If not then he has a wiggly tooth AND a heart problem to deal with I guess?
Dogs mostly chew with their back teeth but until then we need to soften his food and give him no hard treats. He’s also on an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory. Nobody at the vet office seemed worried so I choose to follow their lead.
However, they did use the phrase “at his age” a lot because he’s 6 1/2. Hearing that kicked me right in all of my tender places.
If you are thinking, “Hey Kim, Murphy seems to have a giant medical problem almost every late summer/fall” you’d be 100% correct.
Let’s do this Friday 5. The theme is capitalizing on opportunity.
- when did you last visit a building where legislation or executive governing take place?
it’s been a while! back in 2018 i attended a software user group gathering in austin, the capital of texas and my coworker and i visited the austin statehouse. - what do you carry on your person, in a bag, or in your car, just in case?
new jersey banned single-use plastic bags in may of 2022. i have a lightweight shopping bag that folds into a small square in my purse and leave a bunch of canvas ones in my car. it is inconvenient as anything, but honestly, it has been over a year since i’ve seen a plastic bag caught in tree branches or clogging up a storm drain. and I like that. - when did you last lower yourself (physically) through an opening of some kind?
we have an attic that we never use because the opening that’s cut into the ceiling doesn’t come with an attached ladder, and i’m too cheap to have one built, and i’m also too lazy to drag the ladder inside and set it up upstairs just to potentially fall through the ceiling if i step in the wrong place. a few years back i did climb up there to make sure it wasn’t filled with bats or dead bodies and i had to lower myself back down onto the ladder. there were no bats. no dead bodies. but elvis says hi. - how do you feel about the death penalty?
completely against it. it’s cruel and barbaric and taking another human’s life is murder. - which vocalists most impress you with their ability to sing in the upper register?
i thought prince had an amazing high voice, which made his lower tones sound extra growly and sexy.
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