That was a fast-moving weekend. Sheesh.
Saturday night our kitchen faucet sprung a leak. It has a retractable sprayer that pulls down from the faucet, and it was that flexible hose that began to spray water all over the place. Sunday morning we were at Lowes bright and early to choose a replacement hose. WM spent almost 2 hours trying to get the hose to work properly but it wasn’t threading through and then it wasn’t retracting properly. Which meant we made a second trip back to Lowes to choose a new faucet. That installed easily. I helped by handing him tools and holding things in place. I’m grateful that he’s handy, because I’d still be under the sink, crying. Behold our new Kohler Kaori faucet!

Saturday the weather was GORGEOUS and we both dove into outside chores. WM cleaned up the garage. I set up my little greenhouse outside, transplanted some of my larger herbs to larger pots, cleaned the yard of dog poop, began to pick up the leaves and branches that litter the lawn due to storms and wind, and set up the lounge chairs. I have a new outdoor rug to cover some of the cracking on the concrete patio, but I’m not putting it out until it gets just a touch warmer.
Breaking up the concrete patio and replacing it with (level!) composite decking is on the is on the long-term house list. But not this year. This year we’ll be focusing on the backyard: dealing with some of the formerly ivied area in the back, filling some small sinkholes, possibly painting the cream colored stuccoed part of the house a warm terracotta color. I think it will warm up the area while adding to the vague tiki oasis theme I’m trying to conjure up. Plus, it will cover up the parts of the cream colored stucco that the previous owners patched … with gray concrete.
Because I am an A+ blogger, I have no pictures of the fruits of my outdoor labor. I was going to take some today but it poured all day. Later this week!
Houses are so much freaking work and so freaking expensive.
This weeks’ goals:
> Yoga 5x
> Read and take notes on chapters 34 and 35 of one of my CAE books
> Bake breads and pies for Easter
> Make an appointment to have my teeth cleaned. There are a few doctor visits that I was behind on even before the pandemic happened, It’s a little overwhelming but now that I’m vaccinated I need to chip away at them one by one. Bird by bird.
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