I have glorious closet here in the House on Literary Lane that I swore I could never fill in a million years.
(laugh track)
I gave it a good re-organizing the other day and for those of you who enjoy this kind of thing, here are the before and after shots.
There is a topmost shelf you can’t see, it holds Christmas cookie tins and other seasonal cookie paraphernalia.
The topmost shelf you DO see is for paper plates and cups. We don’t entertain much, but WM’s school always plans events and makes the teachers bring in supplies.
The next shelf is cleaning supplies.
The next shelf is lightbulbs (every freaking fixture in here requires different bulbs), candles, and extra toiletries. We have a crapton of candles from that summer when the power went out every night in our Dee-Luxe Apartment in the Sky. I refuse to throw them out.
The next shelf is coffee, pans, and dishes that we use regularly. Yes, that is a Mickey Mouse chip and dip bowl. And McCafe coffee is amazing.
And the floor is for appliances we don’t use every day, and boxes of trash bags.
PS: Happy Birthday, Dad!