Hello neglected blog! It’s been a little busy around here, plus at nights I’ve had a sick Ollie snuggling on my lap leaving me no room for my Surface. I used to feel guilty but hey…my blog, my rules!
Ollie has been struggling with more ear infections, topped with a sore neck, which is likely from shaking his head so much. We went back to the vet last night. He’s on a second round of ear drops, anti-inflammatories, and a round of pain meds. We’re trying to get him ready for more tooth cleaning/extractions in May. My poor baguette. They get old so fast.
We had one of our Seattle friends in town for a night last week too — did some local touristing. We went to the Mütter Museum. Lots of body parts in jars.
And I continued to rip dandelions out of the lawn. I could probably open a food pantry for the ladies who love dandelion salad. Every weekend I’m going to remove dandelions. I won’t win the battle this year but NEXT year we’ll be in better shape.
Let’s hit up the Friday 5 before Ollie comes back up here for more evening snugs. This week’s theme is “Know when to fold ’em“. Let’s get to it!
WM, unhelpfully: “I wasn’t alive in 1978!”
1. What did you last place into a file folder?
Dog vaccination records. I’m exciting, I know.
WM, drolly: I don’t think anything you place into a file folder is exciting.
2. What do you know how to fold a piece of paper into?
A paper airplane, a grade-school fortune teller, a hat.
WM, sarcastically: A file folder?
3. What’s your laundry-folding procedure like?
I take the clothes out of the dryer and let them sit in the basket for a least a day. Then I fold them and put them back in the basket. The basket goes to my bedroom and I use it as an extra drawer for a few days. I’ll also throw dirty clothes on top, thinking that it’s a dirty basket. Finally, I put the clothes away with much self-loathing, because it’s time to do laundry again.
WM, quizzically: Fold?
4. When do you next expect to invite someone into your fold?
We had someone stay with us last week – not sure when we’ll have someone come through again.
WM, confusedly: Wait, I can invite someone to fold?
5. When have you slept on a foldaway bed?
We sleep on a futon when we visit Seattle, so last July.
WM, snarkily: Where there’s a fold, there’s a way!
And now because I am older now than Kenny Rogers was in The Gambler, I think I’m going to bed. Also because I know when to walk away and know when to run…
Speaking time passages (nod to Al Stewart), my son’s friend got her driver’s license last week so they went for a donut run last night.
When we moved in, she was 3 and he was months old. Scary to think about but in the end I’m glad he’s got such a good friend. They will be buddies forever.