Happy Friday!
Resolved: To start treating my body better, even when — no, ESPECIALLY WHEN — I’m under stress. I eat like crap and then I fall asleep early and wake up feeling like I never slept. I need better food and some movement. And I can’t be of help to people if I’m treating myself like dirt. Resolved. (eats soup, declines to go outside for a walk)
NONBLOGGABLE THINGS (I’m not pregnant) are the same, but slowly improving. Work is better. WM is amazing, as always. Murphy and Ollie love each other. My weekend plans are to spend some time with my Favorite Kid tomorrow, and then work my ass off on Sunday setting things up for a successful week next week. Food plan, precooking, etc. And I’m going to attempt to change Molly the Jeep’s burned-out taillight, too.
Time for the Friday 5 — this week’s theme is Off Balance. Let’s get to it!
1. What most recently made you giddy?
We bought an Amazon Echo on Prime Day and I have been having a blast interacting with Alexa. Asking for news, jokes, weather, time, etc just delights me in the way you can only be delighted if you grew up in or before the 80s. We play Jeopardy every night. Eventually I’ll buy some smart light bulbs.
2. What most recently left you agog?
I found out that Adriene of Yoga with Adriene is going to do a live event in Philadelphia in September. This is super exciting to me. I wonder how much it will cost and how long it will be. I also am wondering if I’m in good enough shape to do yoga in public, given I haven’t done it since before Murphy arrived. (Answer: no, but I’ve made bad decisions before.)
3. What most recently left you aghast?
How the Republican Party (which I used to be a part of so I’m not your garden-variety lifelong-[D] screamer) continues to kowtow to this wackadoodle President! Have some backbone, fellas. I know you love this country and I know this inexperienced and bumbling Presidential staff plus the constant Tweeting has to be completely mortifying. Toss this turnip, let Pence serve and while I don’t agree with Pence’s views at LEAST I’m certain he’d know how to act like a President.
In other words, nut up, Ryan and McConnell. Nut up.
4. What in your life is the most higgledy-piggledy?
Phase 2 of NONBLOGGABLE THINGS (nobody has cancer) is ending one day next week, but I don’t know which day. This may require me to take a day off of work, but I don’t know what day so I can’t request it. I gave my manager a heads-up and he’s totally okay with it (I am thankful every day for TNP’s flexibility), but still. This stresses me to no end. I need to plan, people!
5. What was your week a mish-mash of?
White-knuckle stress and sleep.
Happy birthday, BvP, wherever you are.
Good thoughts for whatever’s going on!
Nut up indeed.