Been a while, eh? I was reminded I had a blog by Google Webmaster tools. I don’t check my pageviews anymore, but it helpfully let me know my database was inaccessible a few days ago. I tweaked a few settings and now we are back and error free. I hope.

So here’s the rundown since August:
- Mom and I went back to Virginia Beach.
- WM and I attended Philly Diner en Blanc.
- I turned the big 43.
- WM went back to school.
- Doctor appointments. Hooray.
- More setting up the house.
- I replaced my dead laptop with a Microsoft Surface. It’s niiiiiiiiice.
- Ollie is doing well. Max has good days and bad days.
- And my tooth (yes, that tooth) cracked out of my mouth and I’m wearing a dental flipper and facing a 7-9 month dental implant process. Double Hooray.
Not only did my tooth fall out, but it fell out while I was at lunch with my manager. I’ve always had nightmares of my teeth falling out. I’m living the nightmare, people.
The tooth is right next to my front teeth (tooth #7) and since I can’t hide the gap like I could if it was a molar, I wear the flipper when I go out in public. And now when I come home from work, the bra comes off AND the fake tooth comes out. I might not be updating as much, but be assured that I am STILL hella classy.