The cookies are done and I sang “O night Diviiiiiiine” as I shoved the cooling racks into the dishwasher and put the mixer back up on top of the fridge. Here’s the final tally:

- Two batches of gingerbread people
- One batch of peppermint swirl cookies
- Two batches of sugar cutout cookies, artfully decorated by WM
- Two batches of peanut butter blossoms
- One batch of spritz (cookie press) cookies
- One batch of chocolate chip cookies (I don’t like how they came out but others like’em)
- Two batches of snickerdoodle cookies
- Two batches of Pillsbury slice-n-bake peppermint cookies for WM’s classes (not pictured)
- Two batches of white chocolate peppermint brownies for the work bake-off (not pictured)
This photo is from tonight, and in addition to the not-pictured items, I’ve already sent a tray of cookies off to my father and taken a tray to work. So there were more cookies.
We had our work holiday party on the Spirit of Philadelphia. Omigosh, so swanky. Here is me, dancing at the far right with some people from TNP and some people from another company who had their party at the same time.

This may have been the Cha Cha slide. And I still wear silly Christmas hats.
Here are the brownies that got me 3rd place in the bakeoff:

Recipe here. I also won 3rd place in the holiday trivia contest. It pays to be middle-aged and know stupid things.
And my coworkers and I got together and made our own basket of cheer for our manager:

There is enough alcohol in that basket to kill a man. The pic in front was taken on the Spirit of Philadelphia.
Next up — I have to pour a bit of cheer and finish wrapping presents!